Senin, 26 September 2011

Nursering Pillow / Bantal Menyusui - Cozyland

Breast feeding pillow is a revolutionary multi functional cushion or pillow for both Mother and her Baby.
This pillow is one of the most critical components to success in breastfeeding. It is the single biggest way to support yourself and your little one for many, many happy hours of nursing!
Strong and firm it provides good support to the baby whilst feeding and supports their back.
The nursing pillow / breast feeding pillow will also grip around your waistline comfortably offering you a feeling of security and remove the need for you to keep adjusting it for comfort during feeding.
This multi use breast feeding pillow has many functions including pre-natal back support for you, optional between knees support whilst sleeping or as a wedge to rest under your tummy when sleeping on your side.
Rest your babysafely within the curve, on the matras after feeding, prop your baby within whilst they learn to sit upright and cushion their fall if they topple over.
Older kids can lie on the pillow to watch their favourite programme.
Removable 100% cotton washable cover.

Deskripsi Produk :
- ukuran : 62 x 52 cm
- sarung bantal 100 % catton, dapat dicuci
- bagian dalam dengan bahan pelapis 100 % catton, dapat dicuci / laundry
- isi dalam 100% new polyester fibre

Nursing Pillow/ bantal menyusui merupakan revolusi multifungsi
bantal bagi bunda dan si kecil.
Banyak manfaat yang dapat diperoleh, antara lain sbb :
- Membantu ibu hamil, sebagai penopang punggung.
- Membantu dan memberi rasa nyaman saat menyusui, baik bagi ibu dan bayi.
- Menopang bayi, saat ibu melakukan beberapa aktifitas duduk.
- Alat bantu belajar duduk si kecil.
- Membantu dan memberikan rasa nyaman bagi ibu dan bayi, selama berpergian di mobil.
- Sebagai sandaran saat awal awal belajar makan.